Sunday, February 7, 2016

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Criminal News Headlines | National News - Yahoo India News

Latest crime news headlines from Yahoo India News. Find top stories, videos, pictures & in-depth coverage on crime news from national news section.

Sudanese migrant stabs Israeli soldier, is shot dead - police
11:48:50 AM
A Sudanese migrant stabbed and wounded a soldier in Israel on Sunday and was shot dead, police said, adding the suspect appeared to have lashed out in solidarity with the Palestinians. Thousands of Sudanese have entered Israel illegally through neighbouring Egypt in recent years, some seeking work and others asylum. Israel's efforts to repatriate them have been hampered by the fact it has no ties with Sudan, a Muslim country.

Rubio falters in presidential debate, offering hope to rivals
8:37:04 AM

Republican U.S. presidential candidates Trump and   Bush speak as journalists watch the debate in the media center during the   Republican U.S. presidential candidates debate sponsored by ABC News at Saint   Anselm College in ManchesterBy Steve Holland, Emily Stephenson and James Oliphant MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Republican contender Marco Rubio struggled at a presidential debate on Saturday at the worst possible time, potentially confounding his bid to emerge as Donald Trump's chief rival in New Hampshire and giving hope to three rivals desperate for a strong showing. Under assault from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie over his level of experience as a first-term U.S. senator from Florida, Rubio retreated time and again to canned statements from his stump speech and looked uncomfortably rattled for the first time after seamless performances at seven prior debates. "Marco, the thing is this," Christie said during one heated exchange early in the night, "when you're president of the United States, when you're a governor of a state, the memorized 30-second speech where you talk about how great America is at the end of it doesn't solve one problem for one person." While Rubio recovered later in the debate, the timing of his performance was terrible, coming three days before New Hampshire Republicans register their choices on Tuesday in the nation's second nominating contest.

Waterboarding surfaces at debate and divides Republican hopefuls
8:37:04 AM

Republican U.S. presidential candidates Trump and   Bush speak as journalists watch the debate in the media center during the   Republican U.S. presidential candidates debate sponsored by ABC News at Saint   Anselm College in ManchesterBy Ginger Gibson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Seven years after the United States banned waterboarding as an interrogation tactic, two Republican presidential candidates said on Saturday they would revive its use and one of them, billionaire businessman Donald Trump, would go even further. "I would bring back waterboarding and I'd bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding," Trump said during Saturday night's Republican debate on ABC, days before New Hampshire holds its primary for the Nov. 8 election. Trumps's rival and a fellow leader in the opinion polls, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, said he would only allow limited use of the practice.

Malaysia's new Twitter police target critics of PM Najib
6:20:11 AM

Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak announces   revisions to the fiscal budget as a police officer stands nearby in PutrajayaBy A. Ananthalakshmi KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Digitally savvy Malaysian police have been taking to social media to issue warnings to critics of scandal-hit Prime Minister Najib Razak in an unusual online campaign that critics say is unlikely to work. Najib is facing the biggest political crisis in his seven-year premiership over a multi-billion dollar scandal at state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and over deposits of $681 million in his private bank account. Najib, chairman of the 1MDB advisory board, has denied any wrongdoing and says he did not take any money for personal gain.

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