Tuesday, August 2, 2016

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Criminal News Headlines | National News - Yahoo India News

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New York City Police Commissioner Bratton to retire in September
6:09:19 PM

FILE PHOTO - New York City Police Commissioner   Bratton speaks about terrorism during a news conference after attending the NYPD   Shield Conference in the Manhattan borough of New YorkNew York City Police Commissioner William Bratton will retire in September, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Tuesday, capping a four-decade career that saw him become the most well known figure in U.S. policing. Bratton will step down after two years at the helm of the nation's largest city police force, the second time he has served in that position. Calling his accomplishments "literally inestimable and extraordinary," de Blasio credited Bratton with pushing the city's crime levels to historic lows and working to repair relations between the department and the communities it protects.

Erdogan says Turkey's coup script was 'written abroad'
6:08:33 PM

Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the   audience during a meeting at the Presidential Palace in AnkaraBy Ece Toksabay and Nick Tattersall ANKARA/ISTANBUL, Turkey (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan accused the West of supporting terrorism and standing by coups on Tuesday, questioning Turkey's relationship with the United States and saying the "script" for an abortive putsch last month was "written abroad". In a combative speech at his palace in Ankara, Erdogan said charter schools in the United States were the main source of income for the network of U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, who he says masterminded the bloody July 15 putsch. "I'm calling on the United States: what kind of strategic partners are we, that you can still host someone whose extradition I have asked for?" Erdogan said in a speech to local representatives of multinational firms operating in Turkey.

Georgia man pleads guilty in insider trading hacking case
6:03:25 PM
Leonid Momotok, 48, pleaded guilty in federal court in Brooklyn to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, for his role in an alleged scheme that involved the theft of more than 150,000 unpublished press releases from Business Wire, Marketwired and PR Newswire. "I profited from these trades," Momotok told U.S. Magistrate Judge Ramon Reyes. "Using non-public press releases stolen by overseas hackers, Momotok and his group of traders engaged in a brazen scheme that was unprecedented in its scope, impact and sophistication," U.S. Attorney Robert Capers in Brooklyn said in a statement.

Obama to Republican leaders: Why are you still endorsing Trump?
5:58:35 PM

U.S. President Obama and Singapore Prime Minister Lee   participate in an arrival ceremony at White House in WashingtonBy Jeff Mason and Doina Chiacu WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama issued a scathing attack of Donald Trump on Tuesday for criticizing a Muslim family whose U.S. Army captain son was killed in Iraq, and he challenged Republican leaders to withdraw support for their "unfit" nominee. Obama's comments added to a growing number of statements from Republicans and Democrats lambasting Trump for his criticism of Khizr and Ghazala Khan, who appeared at the Democratic National Convention last week. Trump questioned whether Ghazala Khan did not speak at the convention because she was prevented from doing so by her religion and he characterized Khizr Khan's criticism of him as "vicious." Families who lose an immediate relative in a U.S. military action are called Gold Star families.

Obama, Singapore leader push Pacific trade deal in state visit
5:50:34 PM

Obama and Singapore's Lee shake hands at the end   of a joint press conference at the White House in WashingtonBy Timothy Gardner and Ayesha Rascoe WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and Singapore's prime minister on Tuesday made impassioned sales pitches for the benefits of a pending Trans-Pacific trade deal during a state visit by the head of the Southeast Asian commercial hub. Both the United States and Singapore are signatories to the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which Obama hopes Congress will approve before he leaves office in January.

As party unease grows with Trump, Republican lawmaker says he will back Clinton
5:14:06 PM

U.S. Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary   Clinton speaks during a campaign rally at the Omaha North High Magnet School in   Omaha, NebraskaBy Susan Heavey and Susan Cornwell WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican lawmaker in Congress became the first to break with the party and support Democrat Hillary Clinton for the White House on Tuesday amid signs of growing Republican unease with volatile presidential nominee Donald Trump. The break by Representative Richard Hanna of New York followed days of uproar over Trump's criticism of the parents of a Muslim U.S. Army officer killed in the Iraq war, which has fueled a fresh round of Republican rebukes of the New York businessman. Illustrating the escalating tension between the candidate and the party, Trump pointedly thanked the primary opponent of Republican House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Monday for his "kind words" after Ryan had issued a statement saying the sacrifice of the parents, Khizr and Ghazala Khan, should be honored.

Brazilian police arrest two as corruption probe turns to major builder
5:07:16 PM

Rio Olympics - RowingBy Alonso Soto and Sergio Spagnuolo BRASILIA/CURITIBA, Brazil (Reuters) - Brazil's federal police said they had arrested two people and raided properties on Tuesday over alleged corruption at building firm Queiroz Galvao, widening a sweeping investigation focused on state-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA. "Operation Carwash" was launched two years ago to tackle price fixing, bribery and political kickbacks at Petrobras, as the company is commonly known. It has led to dozens of convictions for bribery and money-laundering, and several top politicians are being investigated. Former Galvao Queiroz senior executive Ildefonso Colares Filho and current employee Othon Zanoide de Moraes were arrested, authorities said in a press briefing in the southern city of Curitiba.

Indian man charged with sexually touching sleeping Virgin America passenger
4:55:19 PM
(Editor's note: Please be advised that paragraph 5 contains language that may offend some readers) By Jonathan Stempel (Reuters) - A male Virgin America passenger has been criminally charged with sexually touching a sleeping female passenger on an overnight flight to Newark, New Jersey from Los Angeles last week, federal prosecutors said on Tuesday. Veerabhadrarao Kunam, 58, of Visakhapatnam, India, was charged with one count of abusive sexual conduct aboard Flight 170 which departed on July 29, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman in New Jersey said. Fishman said the defendant was arrested on July 30 when his flight arrived, and was released on $50,000 bond following a Monday court appearance in Newark federal court.

Activists demand justice after Kenyan hacks off wife's hands in machete attack
4:33:20 PM
By Kieran Guilbert DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A Kenyan man who chopped off his wife's hands with a machete because she had not conceived a child must face the full force of the law to deter other perpetrators of widespread domestic violence in Kenya, women's rights activists said on Tuesday. Stephen Ngila from Machakos County in southern Kenya, was yesterday arrested and charged with attempted murder, after attacking his wife, Jackline Mwende, almost two weeks ago, according to the women's rights organisation Equality Now.

U.S. counterterrorism agents arrest Michigan man with explosives
4:29:50 PM
Federal counterterrorism agents have arrested a 29-year-old Michigan man accused of illegally purchasing an arsenal of explosives and other devices capable of mass casualties, according to a criminal complaint filed this week. Sebastian Gregerson, a Detroit resident who also goes by the name Abdurrahman Bin Mikaayl, was arrested on Monday by officials with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's counterterrorism squad, according to the complaint. Gregerson is accused of unregistered possession of a destructive device and the unlicensed receipt of explosive materials, the complaint said.

Guns, drugs and maybe Islamists: Brazil tightens border before Games
4:20:31 PM

Rio OlympicsBy Stephen Eisenhammer FOZ DO IGUAÇU, Brazil (Reuters) - On a chilly morning, with a breeze blowing in from Paraguay, customs officials occasionally stop and search vehicles crossing Brazil's busiest border point, looking for contraband. Most passengers are poor Brazilians, carrying electronics they were commissioned to buy duty-free over the river in Paraguay's Ciudad del Este, but there is a more dangerous trade too. With just days to go before the Olympics start in Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian security forces have shifted their gaze to an even more amorphous crime: terrorism.

Maryland prosecutors appeal new trial ruling for 'Serial' podcast's Adnan Syed
4:06:05 PM

File photo of convicted murderer Adnan Syed leaving   the Baltimore City Circuit Courthouse in Baltimore, MarylandMaryland's attorney general has appealed a judge's order for a new trial for Adnan Syed, whose murder conviction was put into question by the 2014 podcast "Serial." Syed, 36, is serving a life sentence for the 1999 murder of his former girlfriend, Hae Min Lee. The appeal, filed in Baltimore City Circuit Court late on Monday, argued that Judge Martin Welch had wrongly allowed new arguments over cellphone evidence that linked Syed to Lee's death.

Protesters disrupt Hong Kong election meeting over rule change
3:56:03 PM

Supporters of Hong Kong Indigenous member Edward   Leung try to break into the venue during a briefing for qualified candidates   running for the Legislative Council election in Hong KongBy Tyrone Siu HONG KONG (Reuters) - Dozens of masked demonstrators tried to force their way into an electoral meeting in Hong Kong on Tuesday to protest against a new bar on anyone running for the legislature who refuses to declare the territory an "inalienable" part of China. Members of the League of Social Democrats and People Power tried several times to charge the stage and take the microphone before being pushed back by security, forcing the meeting to be suspended at least three times. Politicians from other pro-democracy parties chanted: "No more political elimination!" and "Defend a fair election!" The Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) said last month that potential candidates for the September Legislative Council election must sign an additional "confirmation form" declaring Hong Kong an inalienable part of China and acknowledging that advocating independence could disqualify them from the election.

Olympics will not hinder Brazil's giant corruption probe - police chief
2:30:19 PM
CURITIBA, Brazil (Reuters) - The Olympic Games will not hinder a giant corruption investigation centered on state-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA but could reduce the number of police available for arrests and sweeps, police chief Igor Romario said on Tuesday. Thousands of police officers have been posted in Rio de Janeiro to beef up security ahead of South America's first Olympics, which start on Friday. Earlier on Tuesday, the federal police arrested two people as part of an investigation into the participation of builder Galvao Queiroz into the Petrobras bribery scheme. ...

British EU Commission nominee to oversee response to terrorism
2:18:15 PM

British diplomat Julian King poses in this undated   handout photo released to Reuters in LondonBy Julia Fioretti BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain's nominee for the European Commission will be put in charge of crafting a response to terrorism and promoting intelligence-sharing, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said, a tough role amid a spate of attacks in western Europe. Recently departed prime minister David Cameron nominated Julian King, currently ambassador to France, as Britain's representative to replace Jonathan Hill, who resigned after Britons voted on June 23 to leave the bloc. The Commission, the executive branch of the European Union, said King's Security Union portfolio would include setting up a European response to terrorism, organised crime and cybercrime.

Spain faces spectre of third election as parties lock horns
2:12:21 PM

Spain's acting PM Rajoy addresses the media   during a news conference after his meeting with Spain's Socialist Party   leader Sanchez at Spanish parliament in MadridBy Sarah White and Blanca Rodríguez MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's two main political parties held fruitless talks to form a new government on Tuesday and acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said a new election - the third in less than a year - may be necessary. Seven months of negotiations to form a new government have so far come to a dead-end, following national elections in December and June that left Spain with a hung parliament. A meeting on Tuesday between the only two parties which together command enough seats in parliament to form a majority, the second-placed Socialists and Rajoy's People's Party (PP), yielded little.

A crackdown on counterfeits at merchandise-happy Rio Games
1:46:29 PM

A handout photo of a package of cocaine stamped with   a Rio 2016 label in Rio de JaneiroBy Paulo Prada RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Want an Olympic license plate, or a hand-embroidered Olympic handkerchief? In a country where pirate versions of just about any product are as common as tropical fruit, Olympic organizers are battling a tide of bootleg goods sold and produced by those seeking to profit from the hype around the first-ever Games held in South America. "These are opportunists," says Valeria Aragão, a police inspector in charge of a 20-member counterfeit squad that in recent weeks has conducted raids across the city, confiscating all manner of ersatz Olympic goods.

Turkish army overhaul needed to stop cleric's followers, Erdogan says
1:15:20 PM

Turkish President Erdogan makes a speech during his   meeting with mukhtars at the Presidential Palace in AnkaraFollowers of the U.S.-based cleric blamed for the abortive coup in Turkey last month will try to take over the military again if the armed forces are not restructured, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday. In a speech in his palace in Ankara, Erdogan questioned what kind of strategic partnership Turkey had with the United States if Washington refused to extradite the cleric he blames for masterminding the coup. Turkey blames followers of Fethullah Gulen, who has lived in exile in the United States since 1999, for the coup bid, which saw a faction of the military commandeer tanks, planes and helicopters in an attempt to topple the government.

China court warns against illegal fishing in riposte to Sth China Sea ruling
1:14:10 PM

Still image from United States Navy video purportedly   shows Chinese dredging vessels in the waters around Mischief Reef in the disputed   Spratly IslandsChina's Supreme Court said on Tuesday people caught illegally fishing in Chinese waters could be jailed for up to a year, issuing a judicial interpretation defining those waters as including China's exclusive economic zones. An arbitration court in the Hague ruled last month that China had no historic title over the waters of the South China Sea and that it had breached the Philippines' sovereign rights with various actions in the sea, infuriating Beijing, which dismissed the case. None of China's reefs and holdings in the Spratly Islands entitled it to a 200-mile exclusive economic zone, the court decided.

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