Monday, March 31, 2014

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Criminal News Headlines | National News - Yahoo India News

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China charges former senior military officer with graft - Xinhua
10:21:10 AM
China has charged former senior army officer Gu Junshan with corruption, state news agency Xinhua said on Monday, in what will likely be the country's worst military scandal since a vice admiral was jailed for life for embezzlement in 2006. Xinhua said that Gu has been charged with corruption, taking bribes, misuse of public funds and abuse of power. Gu has been under investigation for corruption since he was sacked as deputy director of the logistics department of the People's Liberation Army in 2012, sources have previously told Reuters.

Israeli court convicts ex-PM Olmert in bribery case
10:11:44 AM

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert attends the   2012 Saban Forum on U.S.-Israel Relations in WashingtonBy Rami Amichay TEL AVIV (Reuters) - An Israeli court convicted former prime minister Ehud Olmert on Monday of accepting a six-figure sum in bribes linked to a real-estate deal, probably ending any prospects of a political comeback. Olmert, a centrist credited internationally with working towards a peace settlement with the Palestinians, had denied wrongdoing in the Holyland apartment complex deal, which took place while he was in his previous post of Jerusalem mayor. After what was the first bribery conviction of a former head of government in Israel, Olmert, 68, could face up to 10 years in prison. A former president, Moshe Katsav, has been serving a seven-year prison term for rape since 2011.

Turkey's main opposition to reject Ankara electoral result
9:59:20 AM
Turkey's main opposition CHP party said on Monday it would appeal against municipal election results in the capital Ankara where it suffered a narrow defeat at the hands of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's AK Party (AKP) on Sunday. The AKP won 44.8 percent of the vote in Ankara to the CHP's 43.9 percent, according to provisional results on Turkish television. "Today we will be preparing our application for an appeal by comparing the minutes from the ballot boxes and data from the Supreme Electoral Council," the CHP's mayoral candidate for Ankara, Mansur Yavas, said on his Twitter account. The opposition had hoped to inflict a deeper wound by taking either Istanbul or Ankara, but the AKP was able to hold both and increase its national share of the vote from 39 percent in 2009.

Beleaguered Thai PM defends herself against rice charges
9:51:25 AM

Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra prepares to   cast a ballot at a polling station in BangkokBy Amy Sawitta Lefevre BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Monday showed up to defend herself against charges linked to a ruinous government rice pledging scheme that could lead to her removal from office, the latest development in a political crisis that has gripped the country for months. The charges were brought against her by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) which, should it forward the case to the Senate for possible impeachment, would mean Yingluck being suspended from official duties. Yingluck asked for more time to call on 10 witnesses and to submit further documents to support her defence, NACC member Prasart Pongsivapai told reporters following the meeting.

China rebel village votes, but hopes fade for fair poll
9:32:20 AM

A paramilitary policeman talks to a man as he walks   towards a gate to an election for the next village chief and committee, amid heavy   rainfalls in Wukan villageBy Maxim Duncan WUKAN, China (Reuters) - Villagers in southern Guangdong who launched an open revolt against local authorities in 2011 held an election on Monday amid intensifying pressure against protest leaders, who have either been detained or sought asylum abroad. The government pressure is casting doubt on China's ability to establish grassroots democracy and underscores the limits of China's village elections, over which local governments often assert control. In 2012, Wukan, a village of 15,000 people, was seen as a model of rural democratic experimentation after it conducted secret-ballot elections, in a first, for new village leaders. The protests ended peacefully after Wang Yang, the reform-minded party secretary of Guangdong province, sent a senior official to negotiate with the villagers.

China hopes U.S. matches words with policy on cybersecurity
9:25:21 AM
China's Foreign Ministry on Monday it welcomed comments by the U.S. defence chief saying the United States would exercise restraint in using the military in cyberspace, but added Beijing hoped Washington would match its words with actual policy. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, pushing for openness ahead of a trip to China next month, said the Pentagon sought to be "open and transparent" about its cyber capabilities and intentions with both allies and competitors. He also urged other nations to exercise restraint in cyberspace, saying the United States wanted to promote the qualities of the Internet that have made it a "catalyst for freedom and prosperity". Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that China paid great attention to Hagel's comments and also believes the Internet should be used for promoting development and people's wellbeing.

Azam Khan blames Babri razing for terrorism
8:28:04 AM
Lucknow, March 31 (IANS) Uttar Pradesh Urban Development and Minority Affairs Minister Azam Khan has cited the demolition of the Babri mosque in Ayodhya as the reason for the growth of terrorism in India.

Former Pakistani president Musharraf pleads not guilty to treason
7:53:21 AM

A placard of former President Pervez Musharraf, head   of the All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) political party, is left behind by his   supporter after a protest demanding a fair trial for him in Karachi March 9, 2014.   REUTERS/Akhtar SoomroBy Syed Raza Hassan ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan's former president, Pervez Musharraf, on Monday pleaded not guilty to five counts of treason, in the latest chapter of a long-running drama between the country's increasingly assertive judiciary and its former military ruler. Musharraf faces the death penalty if convicted of the charges over his suspension of the constitution and imposition of emergency rule in 2007, when he was trying to extend his rule as president. The case marks the first time a former military officer of Musharraf's rank has appeared in court before a judge. Historically, the powerful Pakistani military has rarely been challenged by either the government or the judiciary.

Azam Khan blames Babri demolition for terrorism
7:00:03 AM
Lucknow, March 31 (IANS) Uttar Pradesh Urban Development and Minority Affairs Minister Azam Khan has cited the demolition of the disputed Babri mosque structure in Ayodhya as the reason for terrorism in India. The senior Samajawadi Party (SP) leader commented about the Dec 6, 1992, demolition of the mosque at an election rally in Faizabad city Sunday. "It is this act of the communal forces that the country continues to suffer from after two decades," said Khan, a close associate of SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav.

Yemen president urges Iran to stop interference - newspaper
6:58:23 AM
Yemen's president called on Iran to stop supporting separatists in the south and religious groups in the north of the Arabian peninsula country, which is trying to stabilise after more than two years of political upheaval. The comments by Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi published in pan-Arab daily Al Hayat newspaper will likely further strain relations with Iran, which has repeatedly denied interfering in Yemen. "Unfortunately, Iranian interference still exists, whether through its support for the Hirak separatists or some religious groups in northern Yemen," Hadi told Al Hayat, apparently referring to the Shi'ite Muslim Houthi rebels who are trying to capture more territory in the northern part of the country. "We asked our Iranian brothers to revise their wrong policies towards Yemen, but our demands have not borne fruit.

Turkish PM Erdogan tells enemies they will pay price after poll
6:35:32 AM

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan greets his supporters   during an election rally of his ruling AK Party in IstanbulBy Humeyra Pamuk and Ralph Boulton ANKARA/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan declared victory in local polls that had become a referendum on his rule and said he would "enter the lair" of enemies who have accused him of corruption and leaked state secrets. Erdogan, fighting the biggest challenge of his 12-year rule, addressed supporters from a balcony at AKP headquarters at the end of a long and bitter election campaign in which he has labeled his opponents "terrorists" and an "alliance of evil". The election campaign has been dominated by a power struggle between Erdogan and a moderate U.S.-based cleric, Fethullah Gulen, whom he accuses of using a network of followers in police and judiciary to fabricate graft accusations in an effort to topple him.

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