Wednesday, September 10, 2014

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Criminal News Headlines | National News - Yahoo India News

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Indonesia's Widodo wants to overturn law curbing anti-graft drive-adviser
5:58:15 AM

Jakarta governor and president-elect Widodo smiles as   he arrives for work at city hall in JakartaBy Kanupriya Kapoor and Yayat Supriyatna JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian president-elect Joko Widodo wants the top court to overturn legislation that makes it more difficult to investigate lawmakers for graft, an adviser said, referring to a law passed with little publicity in one of the world's most corrupt countries. Widodo's team echoes the concerns of civil society groups that have challenged a law requiring investigators to get approval from a special parliamentary council before investigating lawmakers for corruption or other crimes. ...

Syrian opposition coalition says ready to partner against Islamic State
5:56:44 AM
ISTANBUL/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria's Western-backed National Coalition opposition on Thursday said it was ready to work with the United States against Islamic State militants after President Barack Obama authorised U.S. air strikes for the first time in Syria. Saying it had "long called for this action" and had repeatedly warned about Islamic State, the coalition called again for its military wing, the Free Syrian Army, to receive support to form a "reliable and well-equipped force." "We urge the U.S. ...

Al Qaeda-backed group releases video of kidnapped U.N. peacekeepers
5:33:17 AM

U.N. vehicles drive in Syria near the border fence   with the Israeli-occupied Golan HeightsBy Matt Siegel SYDNEY (Reuters) - An al Qaeda-backed militant group that seized 45 U.N. peacekeepers two weeks ago on the Golan Heights has posted a video in which the hostages, from the South Pacific nation of Fiji, say they expect to be released soon. The video, which was posted on the Nusra Front's Twitter and YouTube accounts on Wednesday but was apparently recorded a day earlier, appears to show the troops in a good condition, at points smiling and waving at the camera. ...

China's Communist Party expels former aide to retired security chief
5:18:43 AM

A newspaper with a picture of Zhou is seen at a   newsstand in Hong KongBEIJING (Reuters) - China's ruling Communist Party has expelled a former aide to retired security chief Zhou Yongkang and accused him of taking bribes, the government said on Thursday, the latest move against people close to Zhou as part of a graft probe. Li Chongxi has already been sacked as head of an advisory body to the legislature in the southwestern province of Sichuan, and his expulsion from the party paves the way for his formal prosecution. ...

Former FBI director Mueller to lead probe of NFL's handling of Ray Rice case
4:39:46 AM

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III speaks at the Pima   County Sheriff's Office in response to Saturday's shooting of U.S   Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) among others at a Safeway in Tucson,   ArizonaBy Steve Ginsburg REUTERS - A former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert Mueller III, will lead a probe into the National Football League's handling of former Baltimore Ravens player Ray Rice's domestic violence case, the league said on Wednesday. The announcement comes within hours of a report by the Associated Press that a law enforcement official sent a video to the league in April that showed Rice knocking out his then-fiancee in an elevator. ...

U.S. lawmakers embrace fight against Islamic State, some question Obama plan
4:35:45 AM

U.S. President Obama delivers a live televised   address to the nation on his plans for military action against the Islamic State,   from the Cross Hall of the White House in WashingtonBy David Lawder and Patricia Zengerle WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers say they are on the verge of taking a "war vote" as they consider whether to back President Barack Obama's campaign to destroy Islamic State, and despite broad support for action many fear being drawn into a quagmire. The White House wants Congress to approve $500 million to train and arm moderate Syrian rebels to battle Islamic State militants, a show of confidence for administration officials as they try to form an international coalition. The beheadings of two U.S. ...

Obama orders U.S. airstrikes in Syria against Islamic State
3:32:14 AM

U.S. President Obama speaks on the phone with Saudi   Arabia's King Abdullah from the Oval Office of the White House in WashingtonBy Steve Holland and Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama told Americans on Wednesday he had authorized U.S. airstrikes for the first time in Syria and more attacks in Iraq in a broad escalation of a campaign against the Islamic State militant group. Obama's decision to launch attacks inside Syria, which is embroiled in a three-year civil war, marked a turnabout for the president, who shied away a year ago from airstrikes to punish Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for using chemical weapons against his own people. ...

Philippines' Aquino says will ask Congress to allow govt to expand power capacity
3:09:18 AM

Philippine President Aquino hands over the draft   Bangsamoro Basic Law to MILF chief negotiator Iqbal ahead of the turnover ceremony   of the law in ManilaMANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Benigno Aquino said on Thursday he will ask Congress to allow the government to enter into additional energy supply contracts and avert a looming power shortage in 2015. "I will ask Congress to sign a joint resolution allowing the government to expand power capacity," Aquino told an audience of power industry officials. Energy Secretary Carlos Jerico Petilla has been pushing for emergency powers for Aquino, giving the government a role in the broader electricity market for the first time since the privatisation of power utilities in 2001. ...

With World Trade site largely rebuilt, New York marks Sept.11
1:59:27 AM
By Jonathan Allen NEW YORK (Reuters) - Until a few months ago, the part of New York City where crowds will gather on Thursday morning to mark the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States had been mostly fenced off to the public. This year, for perhaps the first time since the attacks, a sense of normalcy and openness has taken root in the city blocks where two airliners hijacked by militants from al Qaeda crashed into the World Trade Center's twin towers. Rebuilding efforts at the site, where 2,753 people died, are nearing completion. ...

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