Thursday, April 30, 2015

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Usa, Michelle Obama al Whitney: Innamorata di museo Renzo Piano
2:56:16 PM

Usa, Michelle Obama al Whitney: Innamorata di museo   Renzo PianoCosì la first lady parlando all'inaugurazione del museo

Usa, de Blasio al Whitney: "Giorno straordinario per New York"
2:55:14 PM

Usa, de Blasio al Whitney: "Giorno straordinario   per New York"Così il sindaco di New York all'inaugurazione del museo

Usa, New York City spegne le luci per rispettare l'ambiente -2-
2:53:15 PM
Si valuta un provvedimento che toccherebbe 40.000 edifici

Usa, New York City spegne le luci per rispettare l'ambiente
2:52:14 PM

Usa, New York City spegne le luci per rispettare   l'ambienteSi valuta un provvedimento che toccherebbe 40.000 edifici

Nepal: incubo colera, quasi 6mila le vittime del sisma
2:52:11 PM

Nepal: incubo colera, quasi 6mila le vittime del   sisma(AGI) - Roma, 30 apr. - Incubo colera in Nepal, dopo il devastante terremoto che ha provocato quasi 6mila morti.

Nordcorea, incidente durante riunione all'Onu su diritti umani
2:50:20 PM
Diplomatici Pyongyang tentano leggere dichiarazione,poi vanno via

Libia: ambasciatore a Roma, "riconoscere Tripoli per risolvere conflitto"
2:41:56 PM
(AGI) - Roma, 30 apr. - Per pacificare la Libia, combattere l'Isis e fermare il traffico di migranti la comunita' internazionale "deve cambiare approccio" e riconoscere ufficialmente gli islamisti di Misurata e Tripoli, non solo il governo e il Parlamento di Tobruk.

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Soldato saudita ucciso a frontiera yemenita, totale sale a nove
2:33:26 PM

Soldato saudita ucciso a frontiera yemenita, totale   sale a noveIntervento militare è iniziato lo scorso 26 marzo

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Latest crime news headlines from Yahoo India News. Find top stories, videos, pictures & in-depth coverage on crime news from national news section.

Islamic State group film shows Yemen killings - SITE
6:10:23 PM
A new branch of the Islamic State group in Yemen on Thursday issued a video showing what it said was the beheading of four Yemeni soldiers and the shooting of 10 others, the SITE Intelligence group reported. Islamic State in Yemen has claimed responsibility for attacks before, and has issued an online film showing it conducting training, but Thursday's video, attributed to the group's branch in Shabwa province, is its first to show killings. The film did not say when the killings took place, but before their execution the men spoke to the camera saying they were from the Yemen army's Second Mountaineer Brigade. In a separate statement on a jihadist Twitter account, another Islamic State group in Yemen's Hadramawt region said it had raided an army checkpoint in the town of Tarim, causing the soldiers to flee.

German police foil Islamist attack ahead of Frankfurt cycle race
6:09:05 PM
By Peter Maushagen FRANKFURT (Reuters) - German police said on Thursday they had thwarted a planned Islamist attack, detaining a couple with suspected Salafist militant links, and cancelled a Frankfurt May Day cycle race after they had been seen along the route. Public prosecutor Albrecht Schreiber said a search of their home had turned up an automatic assault weapon, 100 rounds of live ammunition, chemicals commonly used in preparing home-made bombs and a canister full of petrol. "Investigations by the police indicate that we have been able to prevent a terrorist attack," Peter Beuth, the interior minister of Hesse, told reporters. "This incident shows that we must all remain very alert." The 35-year-old man had dual Turkish-German citizenship and a criminal record, said Hesse police chief Stefan Mueller.

Police give prosecutors findings on Baltimore man's death
6:04:00 PM

Police are seen along Pennsylvania Avenue two days   after it was looted and set ablaze in protest against the death of Freddie Gray, a   25-year-old black man who died in police custody, in Baltimore, MarylandBy Scott Malone and Ian Simpson BALTIMORE (Reuters) - An internal Baltimore police report on the death of a black man who suffered severe spinal injuries while in custody was handed over on Thursday to prosecutors, who must decide whether or not to bring charges against any of the six patrol officers involved in the man's arrest. While there were no immediate plans to make the findings public, the report was delivered a day earlier than expected, highlighting the urgency with which officials view the case of 25-year old Freddie Gray, whose death led to rioting in Baltimore and protests across the United States. "I understand the frustration, I understand the sense of urgency," Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts told a news conference.

Angry with London elite, some pro-union Scots to vote for nationalists
5:26:58 PM
By Sarah Young GLASGOW, Scotland (Reuters) - Shirleen Barrowman is one of a growing band of Scots who support the United Kingdom, and yet plan to vote in next week's general election for the party dedicated to breaking up Britain. Such is their anger with the London-based political elite, and the Labour Party in particular, that they will back the Scottish National Party (SNP) on May 7, even though they rejected independence in last year's referendum. This apparent conflict of loyalties offers the secessionist SNP an opportunity to reach the heart of British power, and may frustrate Labour leader Ed Miliband's hopes of defeating conservative Prime Minister David Cameron. "I believe the union should stay together," Barrowman told Reuters in Glasgow, Scotland's biggest city.

Italy's Renzi wins second confidence vote on electoral law
5:19:46 PM

Italy's PM Renzi addresses a news conference   after an EU leaders summit in BrusselsBy Roberto Landucci ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi won the second of three confidence votes on a fiercely contested new electoral law on Thursday, defying opposition parties and dissidents within his own Democratic Party (PD). The new electoral law, which would come into effect in July next year, is based on proportional representation, but awards a heavy majority to the winning party or coalition, with the aim of ensuring that a clear victor emerges. Opposition parties and PD dissidents say that, in tandem with a constitutional reform abolishing the Senate as an elected chamber, it will hand too much power to the winning party, and therefore undermines democracy. They are even more furious about Renzi's decision to force the bill through in confidence votes, which oblige parliament to either vote in favour or bring down the government.

Israeli military worries over troops' use of social media
5:18:35 PM
By Dan Williams JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's armed forces see a growing threat in instant messaging applications -- both to battlefield secrecy and to the privacy of women soldiers. "First of all, it's not under my aegis," she said.

Baltimore waits for answers on black man's death in police custody
3:15:22 PM

Protesters march with their hands up during a   demonstration against police violence in ManhattanBy Scott Malone and Ian Simpson BALTIMORE (Reuters) - Residents of Baltimore and activists across the United States waited on Thursday for official word on the cause of a black man's death in police custody earlier this month, as protests over the case spread to other cities. More than 100 people were arrested in New York overnight on Wednesday during protests against police violence, while Baltimore saw a largely peaceful night as a curfew held after rioting over the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray. Thousands of National Guard troops and police remained in the mostly black city of Baltimore on Thursday morning to maintain order and enforce a 10:00 p.m. curfew set after unrest on Monday saw buildings and cars burned, stores looted and 20 officers hurt. Baltimore officials tried to tamp down expectations that there would be a quick answer on the fate of the six police officers involved in the arrest that preceded Gray's death.

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Centrafrica, abusi su minori, coinvolti anche soldati Ciad
2:05:27 PM
Oltre a 14 soldati francesi

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Yemen, miliziani Isis rivendicano in video esecuzione 15 soldati
1:53:25 PM

Yemen, miliziani Isis rivendicano in video esecuzione   15 soldatiQuattro decapitati, altri undici fucilati

Ucraina, Cremlino: per quartetto progressi in tregua Donbas -2-
1:43:12 PM
Mosca, 30 apr. (askanews) - Putin avrebbe accettato la possibilità di dispiegare una missione di pace nell'Est Ucraina, secondo Kiev. Tuttavia nessuna conferma dal Cremlino è giunta sulla possibilità di una missione di mantenimento della pace.

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Criminal News Headlines | National News - Yahoo India News

Latest crime news headlines from Yahoo India News. Find top stories, videos, pictures & in-depth coverage on crime news from national news section.

Angry with London elite, some pro-union Scots to vote for nationalists
5:26:58 PM
By Sarah Young GLASGOW, Scotland (Reuters) - Shirleen Barrowman is one of a growing band of Scots who support the United Kingdom, and yet plan to vote in next week's general election for the party dedicated to breaking up Britain. Such is their anger with the London-based political elite, and the Labour Party in particular, that they will back the Scottish National Party (SNP) on May 7, even though they rejected independence in last year's referendum. This apparent conflict of loyalties offers the secessionist SNP an opportunity to reach the heart of British power, and may frustrate Labour leader Ed Miliband's hopes of defeating conservative Prime Minister David Cameron. "I believe the union should stay together," Barrowman told Reuters in Glasgow, Scotland's biggest city.

Italy's Renzi wins second confidence vote on electoral law
5:19:46 PM

Italy's PM Renzi addresses a news conference   after an EU leaders summit in BrusselsBy Roberto Landucci ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi won the second of three confidence votes on a fiercely contested new electoral law on Thursday, defying opposition parties and dissidents within his own Democratic Party (PD). The new electoral law, which would come into effect in July next year, is based on proportional representation, but awards a heavy majority to the winning party or coalition, with the aim of ensuring that a clear victor emerges. Opposition parties and PD dissidents say that, in tandem with a constitutional reform abolishing the Senate as an elected chamber, it will hand too much power to the winning party, and therefore undermines democracy. They are even more furious about Renzi's decision to force the bill through in confidence votes, which oblige parliament to either vote in favour or bring down the government.

Israeli military worries over troops' use of social media
5:18:35 PM
By Dan Williams JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's armed forces see a growing threat in instant messaging applications -- both to battlefield secrecy and to the privacy of women soldiers. "First of all, it's not under my aegis," she said.

Police give prosecutors findings on Baltimore man's death
4:36:20 PM

Police are seen along Pennsylvania Avenue two days   after it was looted and set ablaze in protest against the death of Freddie Gray, a   25-year-old black man who died in police custody, in Baltimore, MarylandBy Scott Malone and Ian Simpson BALTIMORE (Reuters) - Baltimore police have handed prosecutors the findings of an internal investigation into the death of a black man who suffered spinal injuries while in custody, officials said on Thursday, a day after protests spread to other cities. Police have said there were no plans to make the findings public, but the report was turned over to Baltimore City's chief prosecutor a day earlier than expected, Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts told a news conference. "That is why we have finished it a day ahead of time." Batts said the police investigation of the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray on April 19 was not over. Prosecutors have said they would conduct their own investigation before deciding whether to charge six police officers involved in Gray's arrest on April 12.

German police foil Islamist attack ahead of Frankfurt cycle race
3:56:32 PM
By Peter Maushagen FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Police in Germany have thwarted a planned Islamist attack after detaining a couple with suspected Salafist militant links, one of whom was seen along the route of a popular May Day cycle race in Frankfurt, officials said on Thursday. Public prosecutor Albrecht Schreiber said a search of their home had turned up an automatic assault weapon, 100 rounds of live ammunition, chemicals commonly used in preparing home-made bombs and a canister full of petrol. "Investigations by the police indicate that we have been able to prevent a terrorist attack," Peter Beuth, the interior minister of Hesse, told reporters. "This incident shows that we must all remain very alert." The 35-year-old man had dual Turkish-German citizenship and a criminal record, said Hesse police chief Stefan Mueller.

Baltimore waits for answers on black man's death in police custody
3:15:22 PM

Protesters march with their hands up during a   demonstration against police violence in ManhattanBy Scott Malone and Ian Simpson BALTIMORE (Reuters) - Residents of Baltimore and activists across the United States waited on Thursday for official word on the cause of a black man's death in police custody earlier this month, as protests over the case spread to other cities. More than 100 people were arrested in New York overnight on Wednesday during protests against police violence, while Baltimore saw a largely peaceful night as a curfew held after rioting over the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray. Thousands of National Guard troops and police remained in the mostly black city of Baltimore on Thursday morning to maintain order and enforce a 10:00 p.m. curfew set after unrest on Monday saw buildings and cars burned, stores looted and 20 officers hurt. Baltimore officials tried to tamp down expectations that there would be a quick answer on the fate of the six police officers involved in the arrest that preceded Gray's death.

France's Hollande vows no mercy to soldiers if African child abuse proven
1:23:01 PM

French President Francois Hollande arrives to deliver   a speech after a defence council meeting at the Elysee Palace in ParisBy Chine Labbé PARIS (Reuters) - President Francois Hollande vowed on Thursday to make an example of any French troops found guilty of child sex abuse in Central African Republic as a judicial source said as many as 14 could be implicated. The allegations, which came to light this week when Britain's Guardian newspaper published extracts of an internal U.N. report, risks damaging the reputation of France's peacekeeping operations in Africa. A judicial source who requested anonymity told Reuters that an initial reading of the full report suggested 14 soldiers had been involved in alleged abuse between December 2013 and June 2014. If they are serious, the punishment will be harsh," Hollande told reporters during a visit in western France.

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Ucraina, Cremlino: per quartetto progressi in tregua Donbas
1:27:16 PM

Ucraina, Cremlino: per quartetto progressi in tregua   DonbasDopo telefonata Hollande-Merkel-Poroshenko-Putin

Polonia nomina nuovo ministro Giustizia dopo dimissioni Grabarczyk
1:23:17 PM

Polonia nomina nuovo ministro Giustizia dopo   dimissioni GrabarczykFinito nell'occhio del ciclone per irregolarità nel porto d'armi

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