Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Earn 1 to 100$ at day with Coingeneration

A totally new way to have a daily Passive Income leaving the PC on!


The Coin Generation project is to create a Super Computer, thanks to COLLABORATION "Passive" for us users. We must not do is to provide the untapped potential of our PC.

How can we contribute to the project?
You do not need to be computer savvy and internet, any person holding an internet connection and a PC, also rather dated, can participate in the project. As we will see below.

The Super Computer exploits, using the software that will install 10% of our CPU resources. In practice using the software installed on our PC Coin Generation sends to your computer to do the calculations, our computer processes the results and sends them back to the Super Computer.
You may wonder, but do not buy the first powerful computers to make them his own? 
Let's see some numbers with a practical example, and you will answer for themselves:
If the project there are a million members and take advantage of the 10% of the resources of each one:

1,000,000 subscribers x 10% = CPU resource computing power of 100,000 computers.

You've read that right, every moment with this system will have the computing power of 100,000 computers.

This is the software that will install on our computer

Let me explain briefly how to do it:

1) Download the software Coin Generation and install it on your PC (the program runs in the background and does not slow down the computer completely)

2) Open the software, leave it running and automatically start earning.

3) Withdraw your earnings from the first day and payments are INSTANT!

But how much you can earn with Coin Generation?

With Coin Generation earnings in proportion to 2 factors:

The first factor is the weather, the more you keep running the program on your pc and more clearly gains.
The second factor is the number of 'threads' you own, we will see what are the thread.
A Thread in practice is the portion of the CPU that you put at the disposal of Super Computer Generation of Coin. 1 Thread with gains of up to $ 1 per day. This means:

$ 1 a day-> $ 30 per month-> $ 365 per year

With the project Coin genration can reach up to a maximum of 100 Thread, translated means in a nutshell:

$ 100 per day-> $ 3000 per month-> $ 36,000 per year

But how much we spend to reach $ 3000 per month?

Start FREE Trial thanks to the free thread that lasts 30 days and then allows you to earn $ 30. At this point you just need to add only $ 20 to buy the first thread a fee which costs $ 50 and lasts for 1 year.

This is the only expense required to reach the goal of $ 3000 per month.

I'll teach you with a trivial strategy as easily reach the goal of $ 3000 per month.

And if we want to get first to the finish line and earn even more?

To get faster to the rent of $ 3,000 per month, you can buy at any time of the Thread 

And if you decide to offer it to a few friends, as I am doing with you now, your income will increase and you will be recognized instantly bonus on 2 levels:

20% of daily earnings from your friends
10% of the daily earnings of the friends of your friends
Remember: you need to sign up for the referral link of who you submit it.

TO REGISTER FOR FREE CLICK HERE  you will be directed to this page:

Please enter your name, email address and a personal password, fill in the security code and press Send.
You then enable the download area where you can download the software. 
You install it and .... welcome to the world of passive income :-)

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